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For 'Transforming Choral Singing', click here -
Artistic Director of San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus

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A Sky Full Of Stars - TTBB (SMP)
““Under Charles’ direction, the chorus sounded impeccably strong! And they looked so charismatic, but most importantly- PROUD. We were pulled into each song and dance and monologue in ways I was not prepared for.
By the time “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas began,” I was already on the edge of my seat with emotion,
and by the end of that final song, I had tears I simply could not contain.””
““He is one the most effective jazz educators in the UK today … His pioneering work on the design and delivery of jazz education syllabuses has helped bring about a step change in the quality of jazz education at all levels, not only in the UK but internationally, ie Malaysia, Singapore, Australia among other countries. … He has that most precious of skills; he gives students of all ages the confidence to believe that most things are possible.”
“Brilliant and redemptive. A grand performance by a powerful community to a packed house. What could be better? Hallelujah!!!”
“‘... luminescent Artistic Director Dr Charles Beale ...”
“I just wanted to thank you for lending Charlie Beale to us ... He’s a magnificent teacher and thanks to him we rocked big time!”