Hanoi dragonflies, and 'Diversity Choir'

Diversity Choir was originally started under the auspices of iSee, The Institute for Studies of Society, Economy and Environment, but is now managed by Hanoi Arts for Youth, an organization run by CEO Hoang Huong.

A pioneering group, founded on principles of equity and inclusion, it welcomes kids, adults of all ages, the disabled, ethnic minorities and members of the LGBTQ+ community. It also sounded great, under its new director Dung Duong.


This young man is called Jun, and is one of the youngest (and loudest!) singers in Diversity Choir. He came up to me at the break, and presented me with these two traditional Vietnamese toys - one for me and one for my ‘friend’ - so touching.

[Editorial note: the two dragonflies now have pride of place above our fireplace in Brooklyn, New York!
